

setting default description
title Inherit from h1 Set the title of a page
image none Sets the main image for a post or page. Will be used for thumbnail if not thumbnail is defined.
thumbnail Inherit from image Sets the thumbnail image for posts in archive
icon Sets and icon to the item, being used in the menu and archive overview.
description none Sets the description for a specific page, overrules projectDescription when set
hide false hides a page from the menu
projectTitle set the title for the whole website
projectDescription set the description for the whole website
projectLogo set a logo for in the header
projectStyle Set a custom style (loaded on top of the default)
projectScript Set a custom script (loaded in the footer)
projectStyleOverrule Set a style (instead of the default)
redirect Set a link to redirect to
projectGroupTags false Tags will automatically be merged over the whole project, you can set this to true to create separate tag groups by article group
tags Add tags to a post
menuChildren false Add the children to the menu item
order 999 The menu is being order by the order defined in the setting. The order is also being used in sections or collections.