In the custom file, you can redefine all the used colors; (primary, secondary, background, foreground
You can redefine the dark and light color, which will automatically be used through dark and light mode.
All colors should be defined as the *-rgb
custom property with just the three rgb values. In this way color can be used throughout all shades of color.
:root {
--ol-dark-rgb: 19, 3, 29;
--ol-light-rgb: 235, 250, 255;
If you want, you can use a scss
file for your custom styling, open letter will automatically generate this file and use the outcome as your custom styling.
In a scss you can do everything you can do with default dart-sass
and you get all the options from (themer)[].
@import url(";900&family=Red+Hat+Display:wght@400;700&display=swap");
:root {
--ol-primary-font-family: "Inter";
--ol-dark-rgb: #{rgbValues(#111111)};
--ol-light-rgb: #{rgbValues(#f7f7f7)};
--ol-primary-rgb: #{rgbValues(#ff0000)};
--ol-secondary-rgb: #{rgbValues(#00ff00)};